Know Me!!!


Hello peeps. It’s my first blogversary!!! First I would like to thank all my readers for their unconditional love and support. I really appreciate all of you!

Now since it’s my Blogversary I kept on wondering what I should do today or more like what I should blog about today! So I went on a limb and decided to answer questions about me. I emailed/Whatsapp’d and also put a Facebook status asking people for their questions and I got a lot of questions via Whatsapp so am gonna answer 25 questions in  all.

  1. You are such a happy and exuberant person, what is the secret of that?


A. This is one of my most favorite question and there are several reasons for my happiness. First I am happy because I believe in living in the present, there are a lot of mistakes in my past too but I learn from them and move on. I don’t allow them to shadow my present and future. Another thing which makes me happy is that I believe a lot, I believe that we are all a part of  a great story happening and everyone is going to get their happy share so why to be sad and glum for all that is temporary as something beautiful waits for you round the corner so take a leap and fly. And lastly keep smiling and never give up!!!

2. Do you believe in God?


A. YES!!! Firstly when I look around at the trees,the birds,the sky, the sea and of course all of us human beings it’s impossible to believe that one person could create such beauty but in truth that is what happened and a mere human cannot do all of this alone so yes the one who created our beautiful universe is God! Secondly I have experienced God all of those times when I couldn’t pull through and I did because of my faith in him I have actually seen him next to me supporting me,pushing me to get to that safety net and that finishing line. Thirdly all religions and religious scriptures direct us to connect with humanity and that is a principle I live on so if God has said that then of course I believe in him!

3. A cause which is very close to my heart?

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A. There are many causes which are close to my heart but the most closest one is FEMINISM. I feel that it’s a right of every person born on this earth to study, work and more importantly live the way they want to. There should not be any gender bias when it comes to education, pay and work. I would really love to see men and women walk together as equals!

4. My take on fashion?


A. Fashion is what you feel comfortable in. I never copy anyone’s style, yes I get inspired by celebrities like Emma Watson, Blake Lively and Sonam Kapoor but I never copy them. You should create your own style. When dressing up Comfort is the most important aspect for me!

5. My favorite clothing brand?


A. Again I am not a brand freak, I will wear anything and everything that appeals me.

6. Which phone I am currently using?


A. Now the apples which I pay for are not the only ones I eat! iPhone 6!

7. What do I always carry in my bag?


A. Sunglasses, Wet Wipes/Sanitiser, Keys, Lipstick, Compact, Wallet, Diary and a Pen!

8. My most to-go outfit?


A. One pieces

9. My take on accessories?

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A. Accessories to clothing are like bullets to a gun.

10. My most favorite make up product?


A. A red lipstick!!! Currently am crushing on Chanel and Lancome Red Lipsticks!!!

11.Lipstick or Lip Gloss?


A. Lipstick but if the gloss gives an effect like a lipstick then I don’t mind it like the Chanel Rouge Allure Gloss(19 Pirate) which I am currently crushing on <3<3 !

12. How many lipsticks do I own?


A. 26 and out of them 21 are red!

13.  Favorite Perfume?


A. Tresor Midnight Rose by Lancome and Touch by Burberry!

14. Which brand lipsticks do I own?


A. Chanel, Lancome, Bobbi Brown,Nars, Mac, Lakme, Maybelline, Loreal, Revlon, Oriflame and Colourbar

15. Favorite Accessory?


A. Earrings, they can make even the most boring outfit alluring! Right now I am crushing on my Kendall Jenner Coin Earrings, they go well both with Indian and Western Outfits!

16. Favorite Song?


A. I like any music that makes me cheerful or inspires me. Currently am listening to Let It Go (Idina Menzel) and Hunger (Ross Copperman) on a loop. If I have to pick one all time favorite then that would be Nothing’s Gonna Change my Love for You!

17. 5 Favorite Books?


A. Harry Potter Series, The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, Lone Eagle by Danielle Steel, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Rage of Angels by Sidney Sheldon.

18. Mention 5 things from your bucket list


A. There are a lot of things which I want to do but my most first important thing is That I wanna live my life happily, I want to spend a Christmas in New York, Skydive, Write a novel and Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter(WWOHP)

19. My current relationship status?


A. I am in a serious relationship .He is the most wonderful guy I have ever met. He loves me a lot and respects me. These are the only details I wish to share for now as when you are in a relationship it’s not just about you it’s about the other person as well. Soon I will be publicly announcing about it 🙂

20. When were you heartbroken the most?


A. I have been truly heartbroken only twice. First when my grandfather died. Second time I was heartbroken and felt stabbed when certain people made my relationship with my ex their ego issue and it put a terrible strain on me and my relationship. I never thought the ones I love will hurt me so much but they did. Any way I am going to take that also as a learning experience and now I know who my true allies are 🙂 .

21. Whom do I love the most?


A. I love all of my friends and some of my relatives too 😉 but the people I love most are Virat Kohli, My Parents, My Sister and Arinjai ❤ !

22. Why do I love Virat Kohli?


A. This was the most interesting question. Have you ever questioned why you love your parents? No you haven’t, same is my case. I cannot question why I love him, it’s natural for me it goes with living life. I myself don’t know when,how and why I fell in love with him. It’s a very huge and important part of my life.It’s like his love is tattooed on my heart. He is the reason I wake up in the morning and falling in love with him is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

23. You say you love Virat so much would you throw yourself in front of a bus to save him?


A. YES,YES & A 1000 TIMES YES. I would throw myself in front of a bus, walk on coals, give that floating plank in a sea, pitch myself off a tower to save Virat Kohli! And this is not just because of the love I feel for him it’s because I am selfish and my entire world revolves around him, there is no world for me if there is no Virat in that world and so for my existence Virat needs to exist too!

24. Where did I learn Tarot from?

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A. I did not learn Tarot from any teacher or classes. My friend gifted me an Oracle Deck and we started doing it together as we were Indigo Children we quickly learnt the art ourselves!

25. What do I love most about life?


A. I love life itself and yes of course VIRAT KOHLI too!!!

I had so much fun writing this blog. I hope you enjoy reading it too. For those whose questions were not included I am personally gonna email you the answer of those questions.

Thank you for so much overwhelming response and I really and truly appreciate all of you.

Take Care

Keep Shining and Loving!!!